Monday, September 30, 2019

Water Source & Sustainability

There is more than 1. 4 billion cubic kilometres of water on the earth. If divided evenly enough to give every man, woman & child 230 million cubic meters. However 98% of that is saltwater and nearly 1% of it is locked as polar icecaps. Less than 1 percent of the Earth's freshwater is accessible in lakes, rivers, and groundwater aquifers. This vital 1 percent of available freshwater is con- stantly in motion, either flowing in rivers, evaporating and moving around the globe as water vapour, falling from the sky as rain or snow, or filtering slowly through the earth to emerge somewhere else. It is a renewable resource on which we all completely depend upon. It is the genesis and continuing source of all life on earth. The most accessible water is that which flows in river channels or is stored in freshwater lakes and reservoirs. The major portion of the water diverted for human needs is taken from this renewable, readily accessible part of the world's freshwater resources. Although the total volume of water conveyed annually by the world's rivers is about 43,000 km3, most of this occurs as floods. The low river flows (base flows) make up only about 19,000 km3. Of this, about 12,500 km3 can be accessed, and present levels of withdrawal accounts for 4000km3. This withdrawal is expected to reach 5000 Km3 per year by the 2025. The demand for freshwater increased six-fold between 1900 and 1995 nearly twice the rate of population growth. One third of the world's population today already live in countries experiencing medium to high water stress. Water Stress Water stress for a river basin is defined as the water resources available in that basin. The water stress for a country is the summation of water stress for all its river basins. Water stress begins when the withdrawals of water of freshwater rises above 10 percent of renewable resources. Medium to high stress translates as water use that exceeds 20 percent of available water supply. Countries experience high water stress when the ratio of water use to supply exceeds 40 percent. At such levels, their patterns of use may not be sustainable, and water scarcity is likely to become the limiting factor to economic growth. High water stress and unsustainable rates of withdrawal are already being experienced in Central and South Asia, where annual water ithdrawals compared with available water resources are 50 percent or more. In the dry season, water scarcity occurs throughout Asia and the Pacific, and increased rainfall variability as a result of global climate change will worsen this problem. Water scarcity will affect food security throughout Asia and the Pacific. The global population will expand from today's 6 billion people to almost 8 billion in 2025. By then, more than 80 percent of the world's population will be living in developing countries. The World Meteorological Organization estimates, assuming the renewable water resources will remain unchanged, that the number of countries facing water stress will increase from 29 today to 34 in 2025. How these countries manage their water resources, and whether they can produce sufficient food for their growing populations while catering to their water needs and preserving natural environments, have important implications. Nearly 70 percent of global freshwater withdrawals are directed toward agriculture, mainly for irrigation. By some estimates (UN 1997), annual irrigation water use will have to increase about 30 percent above present use for annual crop production to double and meet global food requirements by 2025. The industry sector, which accounts for about 22 percent of current freshwater withdrawals globally, is likely to require an increasing share in all regions of the world. In developing countries, where 56 percent of the population will be living in urban areas by 2025, the share of water going toward domestic uses will also need to grow substantially. Asia and Water Asia has the lowest per capita availability of freshwater resources among the world's continents. The contrasts within the region are stark. Annual freshwater resources (in m3 per capita) reach as high as 200,000 in Papua New Guinea and as low as 2,000 in parts of South Asia and the PRC, and are generally below 20,000 in Southeast Asia. The region's weather is largely governed by a monsoon climate, which creates large seasonal variations in addition to spatial variation. The two most populous nations in the world, the PRC and India, will have 1. 5 billion and 1. billion people, respectively, by 2025, by which time the availability of freshwater will have dropped to 1,500 m3 per capita in India and 1,800 m3 in the PRC. Many of countries depend heavily on groundwater exploitation to supplement scarce surface water resources. In Bangladesh, groundwater abstraction already represents 35 percent of total annual water withdrawals; in India, 32 percent; in Pakistan, 30 percent; and in PRC, 11 percent. Groundwater overuse and aquifer depletion are becoming serious problems in the intensively farmed areas of northern PRC, India, and Pakistan. In heavily populated cities land is subsiding as groundwater is withdrawn to serve the needs of their growing urban populations, and saltwater intrusion is rendering much of the groundwater unusable. War for Water International conflicts over water are becoming more frequent as competition for available freshwater resources increases. There are 215 international rivers as well as about 300 groundwater basins and aquifers that are shared by several countries. The 1996 treaty signed by Bangladesh and India for managing flows in the Ganges-Brahmaputra system represents a major breakthrough for rational approaches to shared water resources. However, more than 70 water-related flash points have been identified, mainly in Africa, Middle East, and Latin America. Eight countries in Asia (Bangladesh, Cambodia, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Uzbekistan, and Viet Nam) rely on international rivers to supply more than 30 percent of their annual water resources. Four of these (Bangladesh, Cambodia, Uzbekistan, and Viet Nam) rely on water from external sources for more than 65 percent of their annual water resources. Making better use of Asia's shared rivers is an unfinished agenda with potentially large benefits to millions of poor people in the region. However, formulating agreements between sub-regions to enable equitable sharing of resources and better control of trans-boundary pollution has proven to be highly controversial and, in some cases, strongly divisive The reliability of water supplies in the face of such dependence is a key issue when seasonal variations, particularly droughts etc enter the equation. Unsustainable rates of groundwater extraction can only make matters worse. The impact of global climate change, which cannot be determined at this time, will be to increase the overall uncertainty within which water planners operate. Floods and droughts Floods and droughts have always been features of life on earth and have produced some of the worst natural disasters in recorded history. Due to inappropriate land use and land management practices, uncoordinated and rapid growth of urban areas, and loss of natural flood storage wetlands, floods are becoming more frequent. Flooding is the hazard that affects more people than any other associated damage to property and is escalating. Destruction of forest cover has altered the hydrologic cycle and reduced water retention in forest soils. Accompanying soil erosion has permanently stripped fertile topsoil from vast areas, leading to further degradation of river basins and threatening the basis for sustainable natural resource management. Global climate change will have unpredictable but potentially devastating consequences for the hydrologic cycle by changing the total amount of precipitation, its annual and seasonal distribution, the onset of snowmelt, the frequency and severity of floods and droughts, and the reliability of existing water supply reservoirs. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the frequency of droughts could rise by 50 percent in certain parts of the world by 2050. Water Pollution Emerging Asia, published by ADB in 1997, identified water pollution as the most serious environmental problem facing the region. Water pollution exacerbates the problem of water scarcity at local and regional levels by reducing the amount of water available for productive purposes. Water pollution comes from many sources, including untreated sewage, chemical discharges, spillage of toxic materials, harmful products leached from land disposal sites, agricultural chemicals, salt from irrigation schemes, and atmospheric pollutants dissolved in rainwater. The direct disposal of domestic and industrial wastewater into watercourses is the major source of pollutants in developing countries. In Asia and the Pacific, faecal pollution is one of the most serious problems, affecting both surface water and groundwater bodies and leading to a tenacious persistence of such waterborne diseases as cholera, typhoid, and hepatitis. Estimates of the increase in water pollution loads in high growth areas of Asia over the next decades are as high as 16 times for suspended solids, 17 times for total dissolved solids, and 18 times for biological pollution loading. The combined volume of water used and water needed to dilute and flush pollutants is almost equal to the volume of accessible freshwater in the world's river systems. The development of freshwater resources for human uses has compromised natural ecosystems that depend on these resources for their continued integrity. Freshwater ecosystems, comprising lakes, rivers, and wetlands, have already lost a greater proportion of species and habitat than land or ocean ecosystems. Unrestricted development of surface water and groundwater has altered the hydrologic cycle and threatens the natural functions of deltas and wetlands. Wetlands have been converted to cropland, and rivers that channelled water to estuaries and deltas have dried up. Diminished productive potential, loss of vegetation, increased health risks, and irreversible desecration of aquatic biota are the sad legacy. Water Management Traditionally seen as limitless bounty, water has only recently been recognized as a scarce resource, and only since the 1950s have policymakers begun to espouse the economic and environmental values of water. A consensus is growing among scientists, water planners, governments, and civil society that new policies and approaches will have to be adopted within the next two decades to avoid calamity, and that supply, use, and management of water resources will have to be integrated across sectors and between regions sharing the same source. New projects for dams, water storage, irrigation, drainage, flood protection, and water supply will continue to be needed in many countries where the basic water requirements for people have not yet been met. Lack of effective water policies and institutional arrangements is a pressing issue. Sustainability criteria will predominate in decision making and particular emphasis will be given to environmental and social values.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Ethical Treatment of Prisoners Essay

Some people believe the history of corrections shows continuous movement toward more humane treatment of prisoners as society has progressed. In the beginning punishments for prisoners were considered a corporal punishment which was whipping, beheading, dismembering, torture or even death. There was fines, dispersion of property were common which was more common than the physical torture. Execution was the economic and corporal punishment as the estate was forfeited. The economic and physical sanctions have given way of imprisonment less depreciation in the liberty of parole and probation. When there are thousands of crimes incarcerated throughout the United States, the ethical treatment of prisoner’s rights must be analyzed. Throughout the years many modifications have been made to accommodate inmates and preserve their basic human rights. Have we as a society done enough regarding the ethical treatment of prisoners or have we made their lives in prison too easy that it is no longer a punishment for them? There are many people in the United States who have strong feelings of what is right and wrong and fall on both sides of this question. Utilitarianism is the belief that moral rules should be choices made by a society to promote the happiness of its members Mosser (2010). Through the utilitarian view the argument could be made that these prisoners are being treated to good and not good enough. Utilitarianism gives an understandable, theoretical foundation for moral decision making. Prior to coming to a decision upon a course of action, the utilitarian is asked to consider its effects on the entire population over an infinite period of time Mosser (2010). One problem with this method of decision-making is that many people might not agree with the premise that maximization of happiness should be the basis for morality. An example of this is an eye for an eye; if you kill someone in my family then I will have your life. In earlier history like the cowboy era this is how criminals were treated. Now, this is no longer accepted in our society. Our society’s ethical values have changed. For hundreds of years, prisoners had no rights. That is until 1909 when the Georgia Supreme Court ruled that although convicts have lost their freedom; they do have civil rights Davenport (2009). During this era, institutions were legally immune in state and federal courts from lawsuits, also called the hands-off doctrine, wardens ran their facilities as they felt necessary and were not held accountable for the conditions that existed in their facility Davenport (2009). Prisoners were beaten regularly and denied the basics such as food, medical care, and protection from staff or other inmates. These types of incidents continued for many of years. In the 1960’s several legal avenues opened for prisoners. Prisoners would now have the ability to have their grievances heard in state and federal courts. One of the major changes that enabled this is the cruel and unusual punishment clause of the Eighth Amendment; another is the civil rights provisions of Section 1983 of Title 42 of the U. S. Code Davenport (2009). The Eighth Amendment asserts that excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted Davenport (2009). The cruel and unusual punishment clause was not intended for prisoners; rather the focus was on punishment outside the law. The clause also did not apply to state prisoners. The Supreme Court heard very few cases in this era. In the 1960’s, the Supreme Court began to incorporate the Bill of Rights to state laws. This meant the cruel and unusual punishment clause now included prisons and prisoners. Prisoner’s then began to file suits to change the way prisons operated, citing cruel and unusual punishment, inadequate healthcare, demanding more access to courts and due process. People who are employed in the justice system have to exhibit strength of mind and body to prove they are worthy to be in charge of those who may be a danger to society. This fact alone places these individuals in a position of power, and without a personal and professional code of ethics to live by; this power could be taken out of context. This could lead to damage within the system, as well as out on the street. For these people must make moral decisions everyday. A personal set of ethics can often be hard to define. Ethics are not on a person’s mind as they make various choices throughout the day. When a person sub-consciously makes one judgment or another, they are not aware that ethics plays a role in the decisions that are made. In examining ethical egoism and utilitarianism my personal view is definitely closer to utilitarianism than ethical egoism. Utilitarianism is an exceedingly, even extremely demanding moral view for most people. If we have a duty to always bring about the best outcome, than any time we can increase the well-being of others, we have a moral duty to do so. I believe it is morally better to help the most people at a time than to serve the self interest of one person. The thousands of crimes incarcerated throughout the United States had their day in court and are now housed in a penal institution to serve out their sentence. As a society we have passed ethical laws to protect the prisoners against harm from others and to make sure they are treated with respect. Through the eyes of utilitarianism arguments are made that these prisoners are being treated to good by some and not good enough by others. Regardless of which theories or ethical beliefs a person chooses to believe in they must follow the law or they could end up as a prisoner in the United States. Those in the justice system sworn to protect prisoners can not choose to follow their own beliefs but they must follow the laws and regulation set forth before them. Ethics as a form of intellectual inquiry does not provide answers to moral questions. People with beliefs about right and wrong do. Societies are built upon those beliefs. As we have analyzed the ethical treatment of prisoners with theories of ethics we can argue that society’s views of right and wrong coincide with reality, are representative of the objective moral order, and encompass the will of the people with regards to their treatment. Davenport, A. U. (2009). Basic criminal law: the constitution, procedure, and crimes (2nd Ed. ). Upper Saddle River: Pearson

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Role of Motivation in Second Language Acquisition Research Paper

Role of Motivation in Second Language Acquisition - Research Paper Example Through a questionnaire that sought to ascertain the level of their motivation and anxiety towards English acquisition as a second language, I was able to set up the base for a formal research to examine the level of motivational and anxiety patterns as a result, of second language learning. More significantly, the subjects of the research were Saudi student who was studying English for their general academic purposes and latter use in their careers expressed dissatisfaction in their early education. More so, the students indicated that both social and psychological problems caused them difficulty when studying English as a second language in their earlier education at primary, intermediate and secondary schools for a period of seven years. Literature Review In most cases, motivation as a way of enhancing second language learning is important for an individual to acquire successfully language competence. Therefore, this section of the research gives an overview of literature that is considered relevant in establishing my research objectives. More than often, it is hard to describe the motivation because of it complex phenomenon in different facets of life. Shuib & Al-Tamimi (2009) put more emphasis on the fact that, proper motivation remains relevant among learners of a second language as a way of enhancing their language competence. More significantly, both the social and individual decisions in the degree of effort and emphasis people make, as they set their goals in second language depends on the source of motivation.... More than often, it is hard to describe the motivation because of it complex phenomenon in different facets of life. Shuib & Al-Tamimi (2009) put more emphasis on the fact that, proper motivation remains relevant among learners of a second language as a way of enhancing their language competence. More significantly, both the social and individual decisions in the degree of effort and emphasis people make, as they set their goals in second language depends on the source of motivation. On the other hand, Ghazi et al. (2010) described the motivation as the voluntary forces that give an individual the will to develop direction, arousal, and persistence of goal-directed towards achievement of success in second language acquisition. In addition, they believe that motivation acts as a driving force that compels, energizes and prompts an individual to develop interest in a second language learning within a particular time in which focus is set on attaining a specified goal. Rubenfeld et al. (2007) describe the motivation as self-determination, which drives an individual’s motives towards their goal pursuits as inspired by either intrinsic or extrinsic aspirations. More so, the goals that drive an individual’s motive is aimed at attaining both the basic and psychological needs that later on leads to external approval and rewards (Dekker & Fischer, 2008). As a result, students undertaking English learning, as their second language in their studies derive their motivation from extrinsic goals. Even so, learners of second language could be driven by intrinsic goals as they intend to enhance their sense of belonging within the community that uses a second

Friday, September 27, 2019

Water Scarcity and Conflict - Prospects for Human Security Essay

Water Scarcity and Conflict - Prospects for Human Security - Essay Example Increasing demand for this important resource is distressing many countries in the globe and a number of avenues are being instituted to avail fresh water to everyone. Water is productive resource to human being considering its diverse use in the society particular in economic and social sector. Water is used to serve different domestic purposes and so is in economic sector where it is used in manufacturing processes, hydropower generation, and agriculture (Smithies, 2011). This clearly manifest that fresh water is a basic human necessity because without it several industrial processes will stall and all life will eventually become extinct. This means that when people feel that their livelihood and survival is threatened by water scarcity it is likely that they will turn hostile owing to fear, desperation and competition to protect the scarce resource. Earth is undoubtedly a water planet but unfortunately, approximately 1% of earth water is available for human use in an easily access ible way in its freshest form from either the lakes or rivers (Arsenault, 2012). Large part of the earth water approximately 97% is in the oceans and seas while the remaining percentage is held in deep underground water table and icecaps. However, unlike other natural resources water is substantially renewed through a natural cycle whereby rain falls from clouds onto the land and into the rivers and finally to the ocean where they evaporate once again and form clouds. At least 44,000 cubic kilometers of water gets on to land annually as the earth’s hydrological system pumps and transfers the water. Geologists estimate that the word boasts of at least 1,700 cubic meters per person, which is the minimum threshold that is required for household, agricultural and industrial use (UNDP, 2006). However, the biggest challenge is the wide disparity in the distribution of this vital resource considering certain countries are endowed with vast water resources while other have less or no ne at all. This difference in availability varies with regions. For instance, countries in Latin America boast of at least 12 times more water per individual compared to those in South Asia. Individuals can understand water scarcity from the dimension of supply and demand equation whereby demand surpasses supply. However, the biggest challenge lies in understanding what is leading to increasing water scarcity and its ultimate consequences. Hydrologists consider 1,000 cubic meters of water per person to be a state of water scarcity and below 500 cubic meters to be absolute scarcity. In most countries around the globe with the exception of perennial arid areas, water has been seen as an unlimited natural resource owing to the seasonal renewal through rainfalls (UNDP, 2006). Because of this reason, human population has continually exploited available water resources with little regard for future costs of overexploitation. People continue to misuse water to the extent that countries wit h adequate water supply owing to consistent rainfall are experiencing high level of scarcity. Most of these countries especially in African continue to battle with drought and crop failure and perennial hunger. It is unfortunate that public view about water security is only focused on scarcity. In other words, people are only concerned about the world running out of water while ignoring an important aspect of water insecurity, which involves mismanagement. Water security revolves around risk and vulnerability. This is evident in societies that have managed to harness the productive

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Porters Views on Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Porters Views on Strategy - Essay Example Michael Porter is a University Professor at Harvard Business School and a very contributor to the fields of management and economics. In an article he wrote for the Harvard Business Review in 1996, and also in one of his books, he argues that competitive strategy is "about being different". He adds, "It means deliberately choosing a different set of activities to deliver a unique mix of value". It is important to note that Porter has focused on discussing competitive strategy and his views are based more on differentiating the company in the view of the customers. Porter has defined competitive strategy as "a combination of the ends for which the firm is striving and the means by which it is seeking to get there". Porter has provided for a very fresh and different view on the meaning of strategy. He highlights and emphasises on the facts that operational effectiveness is not strategy. Porter has in his article ‘What is Strategy?’, in the Harvard Business Review brought o ut some very important points. He argues that ‘Positioning’, which has been one of the major elements of strategy and has acted as the ‘heart of strategy’, is not being rejected by most managers. He discussed in this article that the current period believed that positioning is considered to be too static in the current dynamic world and the high use of technology. It is important to note that the information that has been provided here has been based on three major heads: 1. variety-based positioning 2. Needs-based positioning and 3 Access-based positioning

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Case of Spirit Airlines Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The of Spirit Airlines - Case Study Example The flights operate chiefly from and to South Florida, Latin America along with the Caribbean. The airline focuses on capturing the market of people traveling by air with the low fares. They believe that this market of air travelers have always been served with high costs and their strategy of low airfares grant them the prospect of continuous growth. This prospect also facilitates their sustained existence in the industry. The company employs the model of the ultra-low-cost carrier (ULCC) in their business. This model of ULCC assists the company to make available their services at low-fares which entails the fundamental service. The company also offers an assortment of elective services that can be availed with the help of extra charges. The company generally targets the people who are leisure travelers with the help of their low-cost services. Their unique services and low airfares have earned them immense popularity in the US placing them among the best airline companies in the co untry in spite of the increase in the fuel prices. The biggest strength that has placed the company among the best airlines companies is their low-cost design. The operating expenses of the company were stated to be one of the lowest amongst all the airlines' companies functioning in the US. It is believed that this advantage of cost enables them to defend their position in the airline's industry and facilitates them to make available such low fares in the market, keep up the working margins and hold up the constant development and expansion. Although, the airlines had to increase their costs of tickets from the year 2009-2010 owing to the boost in the fuel prices they still managed to keep up their revenue and be counted among the best airlines of the US.  

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Can Freelancers form themselves into a union and successfully seek Research Paper - 1

Can Freelancers form themselves into a union and successfully seek formal recognition via the rules speled out in the National L - Research Paper Example Dissimilar to other unions, freelancers unions are somewhat innovative and are more like expert trade organizations. Be that as it may, they may play a significant function in one’s professional life by proposing certain benefits. The major aim of the National Labor Relation Act is to characterize and defend the privileges of workers and employers, to boost collective bargaining, and to eradicate some of the performances on the part of work and administration that are hurtful to the general welfare ( Similarly, when creating a union for freelancers, one of the large-scale challenges, or obstacles, in employed individually is the need of wellbeing care options. By evolving a constituent of an amalgamation, or other kind of expert membership-based association, one habitually has the opening to buy wellbeing protection at a cheaper rate (i.e. at a group rate). Not only does a freelancer union provide good deals on monthly charges and lesser deductibles, but on e may furthermore gain the proficiency to select from more than one kind of healthcare program.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Choose either 100 best poems for Children or Peter Pan Essay

Choose either 100 best poems for Children or Peter Pan - Essay Example Peter Pan; or the Boy who Wouldn’t Grow Up, when first staged in 1904, was received with almost unanimous enthusiasm. The critics though appreciative were ‘a little cautious and puzzled’ (Watson, 2009, p. 143); and not surprisingly so. Peter Pan was no ordinary children’s tale. With its queer mixture of childlike fantasy and very adult dark humour, even the first, spectacular viewing of the play must have hinted at the layers of subliminal messages it contained. Peter Pan evidently deserved further penetration. The Peter Pan myth, as indeed it grew to become, has been interpreted with various perspectives. The Spectacle used in the play, the psychological character of Peter and Wendy’s relationship, the biographical link to Barrie’s own experiences with the Llewellyn Davies boys – have all been scrutinised and commented upon. But the most prominent observation the play seems to make, and Barrie through it, is on the divide separating ch ildren and grown-ups. What does Peter Pan say about childhood and adulthood? Or to divide it further, on girlhood and boyhood? Does this commentary hold ground a hundred years after its inception? In what ways have its interpretations changed? Children are known (and often rebuked) for asking too many questions: what better way to begin such an exploration than to try and answer these? Barrie’s treatment of adult males in his play might be a good place to begin. Neither of the two significant men characters, Mr. Darling and Captain Hook, is portrayed charitably. Mr. Darling has the trappings of a characteristic patriarchal head, but that is all. He holds no real authority, either at the workplace ‘where he sits on a stool all day, as fixed as a postage stamp’ (Barrie, 2008 [1904], Act I) or at home; as is evident in the scene about the medicine between him and Michael in Act I. Without being too simplistic, one can sum up Mr. Darling as a fussy man, too anxious about social propriety and not

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Rice and Beans Essay Example for Free

Rice and Beans Essay Rice-and-beans, the staple of Belize Cuisine. Although originally considered primarily a Creole dish, today it’s eaten daily by all and is simply called Belizean rice and beans. Ingredients 1 cup red kidney beans 1 cup thick coconut milk 1 garlic clove (optional) salt pepper 2 cups rice 1 onion, sliced 1 piece of salt meat (cut into small pieces) Preparations 1. Soften beans (soak first) with garlic. 2. Boil until tender and whole, adding salt meat (previously boiled to soften) when almost tender. 3. Add the milk, onion and seasonings. 4. Wash rice, then add to the beans. 5. Cook over gentle heat until liquid is absorbed. 7. Stir gently with a fork, and add a little water from time to time until rice is cooked. Serve hot with a meat dish. (Some favorite meat dishes with rice and beans are: stuffed baked chicken, stew chicken, stew fish, fried fish or meat balls). Yoana Alvarez Period 2.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Araling Panlipunan Essay Example for Free

Araling Panlipunan Essay 1.How does the Bible view the family? Just like how God created people in his own image and likeness, He also wants us to have a family that is similar to the holy family. The bible says that each member of the family has a role. The father, as the head of the family, should stand strong for his family. The mother on the other hand, acts as the guide. Not only has God asked them to imitate the holy family to provide proper parentage, but He has also placed big responsibilities upon their shoulders. The children’s role is to do their best to respect their parents for it is stated in the fourth commandant to â€Å"Honor thy father and thy mother†. 2.Give 5 examples of factors that attack the family. Explain. a.Disparity of religion – Parents of the children may have different religions and this may affect their faith and their worshipping. They will have a problem raising their children in one belief. b.Cultural differences – The traditions may affect the family because one person might be doing something out of tradition that is not proper for the other’s culture. c.Instability of marriage – The instability of the marriage of parents can affect the family greatly, because from this, the family might result to becoming a broken family. d.Domestic abuse – Abusing a member of the family may cause them to have strained familial relationship. It will be hard to trust one another after the abuse, and trust is very important because it’s one of the foundations of a strong relationship. e.Infidelity – Parents fight over little things, but infidelity is a different story. This may cause not only problems within the family but outside things may al so be affected, like the studies of the children and the emotional, mental and physical health of each family member. 3.What is the stand of the church against RH Bill? The church is against the RH Bill because they see it as an anti-life bill. They believe that overpopulation, which the government says is the main cause of poverty, is not the real reason but corruption. 4.What is your stand against the RH Bill? I believe that the RH Bill must be imposed. I don’t think that the RH Bill promotes anti-life. It is merely for protection of the population growth. Population growth may not be the cause of poverty but it is surely killing the Philippines. Our country, especially in Metro Manila, cannot hold more people. If the RH Bill is rejected, the Filipinos, being innovative, will try and find ways to look for alternatives for contraception. They might also start illegally producing contraception which will earn Filipinos more criminals which is the last thing the society needs right now. 5.How does the state protect the family? The state does not promote divorce in the country. It is illegal for couples to separate except for some circumstances which can be considered. The state also does not approve of abortion. This can save many lives. The state also has programs which are against child abuse, sexual harassment and other things that help protect the right of a human being. With these, we can trust that the relationship of every Filipino family is safer.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Function Of The Cardiovascular System

Function Of The Cardiovascular System In this assessment i will be writing about that structure and function of the cardiovascular system. The cardiovascular system includes the heart, blood vessels, blood and the lymphatic system. The heart is an organ that is a none fatiguing muscle; it passes amino acids and other key nutrients. It transports other gases like oxygen and hormones. It carries waste products and then they are removed from the body, as well as that it transports de oxygenated gases and this is then expired. There are 5 functions of the heart these functions are: transporting of nutrients, delivery of oxygen to working muscles, removal of waste produce, distributing key hormones and to transport De-oxygenated blood to the lungs. -Transporting of nutrients this is one of the important functions of the heart because it has to deliver nutrients to our working muscles. These nutrients are carried via plasma and plasma is in our blood. This is important because the muscles need to be supplied with energy and this energy is called glucose. This is needed for sports with short explosive movements like basketball. Glucose is also delivered with oxygen, and this slows that rate of the muscle fatiguing. -Removal of waste produce The Cardiovascular system removes waste products such as Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Lactic Acid from the muscle tissues. If the lactic acid doesnt get removed from your muscles then you will feel stiff and sore the next day and your muscles will not be able to perform as well as they did the day before. -Distributing hormones Endocrine system is where the hormones are produced it is then transported in blood. This is made from the bone marrow witch is found in the centre of bones. Plasma is made up of about 53-56% blood; it contains proteins, carbon dioxide, ions and blood cells. This is important when it comes to sport because it prepares us for sport and adrenaline is produced, when adrenaline is released the athletes heart rate will increase and will get them ready for the sport. A sporting example in basketball would be at the start of an important game when the players are anxious of nervous. Transport De-oxygenated blood to the lungs the cardiovascular system also transports de-oxygenated blood to the lung and it is then expired. The pathway of this is as followed: Blood enters the heart via the superior vena cava, flows into the right ventricle passing though the tricuspid valve. As soon as the right ventricle is full this valve then snaps shut to stop back flow , it is important that there is no back flow because if oxygenated and de-oxygenate blood was to mix then the working muscles would not be getting any oxygen and would fatigue. Also it would starve the brain and you would pass out. Following on with the journey, the right ventricle it then flows via the pulmonary artery (this is the only artery that carries de oxygenated blood) the blood is then defused in the lungs and becomes oxygenated. This is a very important function as out muscles need as much oxygen as possible to function at their optical level. -Blood Red blood cells theses are also called Erythrocytes these are used to carry oxygen around the body by Haemoglobin. They also transport other nutrients round our body that it requires. They take up oxygen in the lungs or gills and release it while squeezing through the bodys capillaries. These cells cytoplasm is rich in haemoglobin, an iron-containing bimolecular that can bind oxygen and is responsible for the bloods red colour. The Cardiovascular system carries white blood cells also called leukocytes, around our body which provides immunity from invading organisms. By having white blood cells in our body this stops us becoming seriously ill from illnesses, for example leukaemia, flu or just a cold .As our body is able to fight against it keeping the flu to a minimum. -platelets Platelets are sticky fragments of cells. Like blood they are produced in the bone marrow. The function of platelets is to control bleeding and to form scabs. Thrombocytes do this by sticking together in cuts making tiny fibres grow. Our red cells get trapped within the individual fibres and form a blood clot. This blood clot then turns into a scab. -Heart Important parts of the Heart which help the cardiovascular system work. the heart has a left and right side, separated by a wall of muscle called the septum. Blood from your body enters the right side of your heart through veins. The blood is dark because it has given all its oxygen to your body. The right side of the heart pumps the blood through the pulmonary artery to your lungs to pick up oxygen. After travelling through the lungs, the blood turns bright red because it is rich in oxygen. The oxygen-rich blood then returns to the left side of your heart and is pumped out to your body through the large artery called the aorta. The cardiovascular system can be affected with intense training. This would have a positive affect on training. Endurance training would increase the left ventricle wall. This is called hypertrophied. Basically this means that the heat does not have to work as hard to pump the blood around the heart because it is stronger, but it still pumps the right amount of oxygen and blood to the working muscles. If you were to do this training then your resting heart rate would be decreased. But over time if you was to stop training then your heart would reduce in size over time. But this could be bad if you were to do too much intense training because the heart would get to bug and your resting heart rate would be too low, if it was under 30BPM then it could be life threatening this is called hypertrophic cardiomypathy. TE-Lymphatic system diagram.svg Part of the immune system is the lymphatic system which is made up of a network of conduits that carry a clear fluid called lymph (from Latin lympha water). It also includes the lymphoid tissue and lymphatic vessels through which the lymph travels in a one-way system in which lymph flows only toward the heart. Lymphoid tissue is found in many organs, particularly the lymph nodes, and in the lymphoid follicles associated with the digestive system such as the tonsils. The system also includes all the structures dedicated to the circulation and production of lymphocytes, which includes the spleen, thymus, bone marrow and the lymphoid tissue associated with the digestive system. Another function of the cardiovascular system is the regulation of body temperature, this is controlled by homeostasis. Homeostasis is the state of inner balance and stability maintained by the human body despite constant changes in the external environment. It also works by filtering the blood and removing a carefully regulated amount of water and wastes to the lungs working together with the heart, blood vessels, and blood to distribute oxygen throughout the body and remove wastes. It includes monitoring the water balance in the body, controlling blood sugar, body temperature control and monitoring of urea in the blood. All these processes are controlled by mechanisms such as sensors that detect the factor value. Another mechanism is the correction mechanism involving a negative feedback. Control of body temperature is controlled constriction and dilation of blood vessels, which is demonstrated in the body through vasoconstriction and vasodilation. Vasodilation involves the dilation of the blood vessels to release excess heat therefore blood will flow quickly/faster to the muscles. The vessels are widening in diameter so more blood can flow through. Vasoconstriction involves the constriction of the blood vessels to keep in any heat therefore blood will flow slowly to the muscles. The vessels are reducing in diameter so less blood can flow through.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Dual Meaning of Meaning :: Philosophy Philosophical Essays

A central problem in the philosophy of language has been to find a way to reconcile first person authority about meaning with externalist theories of meaning. In other words, if meanings aren't wholly in the head (the externalist thesis), then how do we explain the apparent authority we have about what our own utterances mean? In this paper, I will present one possible and, I believe, highly plausible solution which will allow us to maintain that we do have first person authority with regard to the meanings of our utterances while still accepting the lessons that Twin Earth has taught us (that meanings are, at least in part, determined by the external world). Moreover, it is, I believe, a virtue of any philosophical theory that it remain as close to common sense as analytical rigour will allow. Thus, it is advisable that one try to approach philosophical questions as the layman — still 'untainted' by philosophy — would approach them. This brand of 'common sense phi losophy' is what I shall attempt to use in providing an account of meaning. Let us begin, then, by examining first person authority. It seems quite obvious to me that, should there be no successful reconciliation of first person authority with externalism, the former would defeat the latter in any theory of meaning. I do not say this just because it is highly counter-intuitive to think that we don't generally know what we mean when we speak, rather it seems to me to be impossible to deny that we have this knowledge: not only do we know what we mean, but we know that we know what we mean. Though most philosophers recognise the obviousness of this fact, some11 maintain that it is in need of an explanation. This, I believe, is because they take externalism as more 'primitive' than first person authority. What I mean is that these philosophers approach first person authority from the viewpoint of an already developed externalist theory. I suggest that, instead, we take the undeniability of first person authority as given and then attempt to provide a theory of meaning that preserves first person authority while accounting for the role of the external world in determining meaning. What exactly is it, then, of which we have this direct authoritative knowledge? And how, if at all, does it relate to the external world?

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Importance of Books :: Teaching Education Essays

The Importance of Books Book have been a part of my life since the beginning. My mother once told me her and our neighbor would sit together and read to me and the other woman’s baby, who was later to become my childhood best friend. I didn’t start reading Wharton and Steinbeck until much later, but we have to start somewhere. Before knowing how to read, my mother and father would read to me a book from my endless number of â€Å"The Bearnstein Bears† books. Every book had a lesson. I think that having been read to every night and being explained some of the words and their techniques of why they are the way they are, helped plow my way in favor of learning to reading in school. When it came to reading â€Å"Look at Spot† and those other memorable 2-3 worded pages that made up a story, I was always ahead and frequently help my teacher with her work rather then practicing reading with the rest of my class. Now being read to before bed time became reading to me mother and father. My most sentimental memory of being read to be when my father went overseas to be in Desert Storm, he recording himself reading a countless number of books so he could still read to me even though he was a lot of miles away. It was one of few moments I can really remember about him in my childhood. He was always aroun d when he could be but when he wasn’t there he was dreadfully far away. When I started to read for myself, the books would consist of Amelia Badelia, Peanut, Butter, and Jelly, and any book authored by Shell Silverstein. Eventually in school we were being assigned to read books for class and for Accelerated Reader. AR book are certain books that contain a test you take and the difficulty of the book corresponds with the number of point receives with each correct answer given. After, about, every six weeks there is an AR prize cart. This system works like Chucky Cheeses’ or Peter Piper Pizza. You could wait to â€Å"spend† your points until the end and receive a really expenditure and remarkable prize. It encouraged others and me to read more and to read the more difficult books.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Letter to cousin requesting funding for new business

Dear Ms. Smith: I am sure you remember me although we have not seen each other for a long time. I am Jack Hanson, the son of your cousin Judith Hanson, born Smith. We last met at the Smith family reunion in Atlanta, Georgia – I was still an undergrad back then with big plans. Now I have arrived at a point in my life where I believe myself ready to make these big plans reality, and in the nearest future my friends and I plan to open a small local store that will specialize in special occasion gift baskets for individual and corporate clients. With my friends’ expertise and background and my enthusiasm I am positive that we will make our venture successful. A visit to the proposed location has convinced me that we have great opportunities ahead, and the uniqueness of our proposition will make it stand out from the competition. All we need to succeed is additional start-up capital to complement our resources. I have strong belief that if you agree to participate in the venture, we will be able to put your money to good use and bring you a nice return on your investment. As I stated above, we plan to launch a store that will sell gift baskets for individual and corporate clients. To make our offerings even more attractive, we want to add ethnic, natural beauty products and spa quality botanicals. This will add an original touch and make our gift assortment the best in the locality. We already have a plan to make the interior design of the store fascinating and comfortable to create for our customers an atmosphere of holiday which they step in buying gifts for their friends and colleagues. Our short-term goal is to build a reputation in the city of Bridgeport and neighboring towns; as soon as our business has the resources to expand, we will be willing to move beyond Bridgeport and possibly Connecticut. However, repayment of your investment will in any case take precedence. If you decide to invest, we can discuss several options. One is that you invest for seven years, and begin to receive interest on your investment starting with the 2nd year of the store’s operation and recoup the lump-sum after another five years. If you want to contribute for a longer time period, you will have an opportunity to share in the profit from the store for a longer time period, for instance, getting a percentage of the profit for 10 or more years. If I were you, I would choose the latter option, because, in my opinion, the store is ‘doomed’ to succeed.   First, the area is really rich in companies of different kinds, and all of them need to purchase gift baskets for their employees. Besides, I have driven around the streets for a few hours and found only two stores that could remotely be described as gift stores. Entering them, I discovered a meagre assortment of goods that will make it really difficult for them to compete with us. Basically, local people unwilling to travel large distances have to shop for gifts in department stores like Wal-Mart or Target, and these, as you know, are hardly the best place for gifts. Besides, to differentiate ourselves from the already present gift stores, we will offer customers a modern design and additional services, such as vintage packaging for their goods, at a modest price. I rely on the experience of my friend who for five years worked as assistant manager in a gift store, and he says that the place is ideal for the venture. Now I want to thank you for the time you invested in reading this letter. I assure you that I would not be offering you to take part in the project, did I not have deep trust that it will be a successful venture. I invite you to meet with me and my friends who want to participate and visit the place that we plan to rent for our store. We can also forward you a proposed catalog of our products at any time. We have already prepared a business plan in which we â€Å"back up our concepts with numbers† that I will be glad to forward to you as well (â€Å"75 StartUp Secrets†, 2006).   I hope that you will have a chance to evaluate all the pros and cons of this investment and decide to help us in this business. On my part, I can promise that the return will exceed any comparable return on other investment available. I will be glad to hear from you on this subject and meet in person, reviving old family ties and starting new business connections. Sincerely yours, Jack Hanson References 75 StartUp Secrets. (2006, March). Retrieved March 27, 2006, from,4621,326420,00.html Internal Revenue Service. Starting a Business. Retrieved March 27, 2006, from

Monday, September 16, 2019

A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams

Blanche Dubois, the protagonist in Tennessee Williams’ A Streetcar Named Desire play seeks to reside with Stella Kowalski, her sister, but Stanley Kowalski, Stella’s husband, is against the idea. Blanche used to live at her parent’s home in Mississippi’s Laurel area but the mansion has been foreclosed due to an unpaid mortgage. She thus desperately seeks shelter at her New Orleans sister’s home.  Blanche’s disdainful and contemptuous attitude however makes Stanley oppose the idea of hosting her from the very beginning. For example, although Blanche is currently a hopeless destitute, she looks at Stanley’s modest home with utter scorn (Williams 6).Blanche’s delusional class considerations prevent her from acknowledging that she is at the moment at the mercy of the Kowalski’s. She thus demonstrates derision towards the Kowalski house that makes Stanley to immediately dislike her. Blanche’s ridiculously fantastic re asoning even makes her try to convince Stella to leave Stanley.Blanche holds that Stanley is that Stella is of a higher social status than Stanley. This is clearly a preposterous argument based on the existing facts (Jerz 35).   If at all there are suitable men who can rescue Stella from Stanley, then it beats sense to imagine that Blanche has come to seek shelter at Stella’s place.Blanche should have in fact gone to one of those high-class men and thus avoid becoming the desperate destitute she currently is. Williams thus uses Blanche to illustrate the frustration that a blind loyalty to class and social distinctions causes to people.To begin with, Stanley’s justified hatred for Blanche makes Blanche’s life become increasingly hard. As an illustration, Stanley hosts a poker game tournament whereby a number of his colleagues come to play. It then occurs that Mitch, one of Stanley’s friend’s becomes smitten by Blanche and the two begin an affair. Stanley does not however want any of his friends to be associated in any way with Blanche.To demonstrate his utter disgust towards Blanche, Stanley violently disrupts a rendezvous that Mitch is having with Blanche in Stanley’s bedroom. Stanley even offers Blanche a bus ticket to Mississippi to demonstrate that she is essentially unwelcome in his house. To make matters worse, Stanley investigates Blanche’s past life, which is ugly, and relates all the details to Mitch.This situation makes Mitch to tell Blanche to her face that he cannot marry her. Blanche’s contemptuousness has thus led to her losing a promising marriage mate who would potentially rescue her from her financial quagmire (Clum 126).Afterwards, a clearly deluded Blanche boastfully tells Stanley that she is soon leaving the Kowalski residence with a millionaire boyfriend named Shep Huntleigh. Since Stella is just about to have a baby, Stanley briefly puts aside his disdain for Blanche and suggests th at the two have a party. Blanche however brushes rudely aside Stanley’s suggestion. This dev elopement causes tension between Blanche and Stanley (Griffies 120). In the ensuing events, Stanley rapes Blanche.This rape ordeal is significant because it mainly results from Blanche’s contemptuous character. Had she agreed to engage in merrymaking with Stanley instead of showing disrespect to him, Stanley would not likely have raped her.   A new twist is introduced to the play because Blanche cannot convince anyone that Stanley actually raped her.   It is implausible how someone can rape someone whom they hate as Stanley detests Blanche. It is thus assumed that Blanche has gone mad and that she should be confined in an asylum for mad persons.Again, Blanche’s disdainful attitude is causing her problems because not body is giving her any attention regarding her raping by Stanley. Stella is at the forefront in arranging fir Blanche to be whisked away. The presumably man girl is thus taken away to an asylum. Williams has thus shown that wishful thinking and cosmetic class distinctions usually have disastrous results.In addition, through the play, Williams presents three important social lessons.   Firstly, he demonstrates that artificial class distinctions that make different-class people not interact are improper.This is because Stella’s marriage to Stanley seems to go on smoothly despite the fact that the two are of quire varied social classes. Stanley is of a lower class than Stella. The couple however has a fairly uneventful marriage life with the exception of the incidence when Stanley hits Stella mainly due to Blanche’s influence.Secondly, Williams seeks to urge people against adopting an escapist stance of entertaining ridiculous thoughts so as to mentally escape from reality. Blanche is a perfect illustration of this concept.   Her wild illusions prevents her from accepting that she is indeed needy and has to put up wit h any situation that comes her way. She thus offends Stanley, an aspect that leads to her sad demise. Stanley is angry that Blanche disdainfully looks down upon his lowly status.Moreover, Williams seeks to inform readers that real love knows no bounds through Stella and Stanley’s marriage. Stella truly loves Stanley despite the fact that the couple is of humble means. Even after she is beaten, Stella warmly embraces Stanley. Stanley also loves Stella as is evident from the loving embrace he gives his wife at the end of the play (Timm 154). Works CitedClum, John M. Still Acting Gay: Male Homosexuality in Modern Drama. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2000.Griffies, W. Scott. â€Å"A Streetcar Named Desire and Tennessee Williams' Object-Relational Conflicts.† International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies 4. 2 (2006): 110-27.Jerz, Dennis G. Technology in American Drama, 1920-1950: Soul and Society in the Age of the Machine. New York:   Greenwood Publishing Group, 2003.Timm, Larry M. The Soul of Cinema: An Appreciation of Film Music. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA: Prentice Hall, 2003.Williams, Tennessee. A Streetcar Named Desire. Jordan Hill, Oxford, UK: Heinemann Education Publishers, 1995.  

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles Essay

The mutual set of accounting criteria used to develop medical centers financial statements are known as generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). GAAP are a mixture of respected criteria created by Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and accountants. The SEC has authority granted by The Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, to determine reporting and disclosure requirements. Oversight is the general functions of the SEC, granting the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) to determine the standards. Generally accepted accounting practices are required for accountant to follow and medical centers to use so medical centers and provide investors with a minimal level of dependability for financing determination. GAAP provides detailed information concerning the medical center fiscal returns, detailed balance and outstanding debt. GAAP guidelines are expected to be upheld by medical centers when giving an account of their economic figures through financial declarations (Finkler & Ward, 2006). Going concern principle. Financial statements must be prepared with the belief that the medical center will continue operation indefinitely. Disclosure of pending cease of patient care delivery must be noted in financial statement (Finkler & Ward, 2006) Principle of conservatism. Certified public accountants have an obligation to document business purchases that necessitate estimation based on their sound judgment. The total medical equipment productivity time frame and outstanding accounts receivable are illustrations for the use of estimation. In financial data reporting, auditors adhere to conservatism rules, which demands lower appraisal be selected when one or more appraisals are taking in consideration. For example, when the restoration department has reported a five -percent rate return for new MRI machine for the previous three fiscal years, but the medical centers production department claims the reported profit value is inconsistent and there is an expectation that fewer than three percent of the MRI machines will need repair service during the following year. Since there is a discrepancy, the production department will need to presents undeniable proof to authentication the appraisal, the medical center auditor has a duty to adhere to the conservatism principles and prepare for the ive-percent rate return. Losses and costs are documented when they are credible and equitably estimated. Profits are documented when achieved (Finkler & Ward, 2006). Matching principle. The medical center expenditures for providing safe patient care should be documented with the corresponding fiscal year in which the income was produced. Documented in the same fiscal year as the income they help to generate. An illustration of this particular cost is the cost of products sold in the medical center, salaries paid to staff. It is consider when patients are admitted to the medical center and the supplies used to provide safe quality care. Revenue is recognized when reimbursed by Medicaid and Medicare (Finkler & Ward, 2006). Cost principle. The dollar amount deducted from the budget to purchase land, medical equipment, and supplies. Assets are documented at price purchased, which is equivalent to the price paid to gain acquisition. When a medical centers assets such as property or office structures increase in worth each fiscal year, reappraisal in not required for financial reporting purposes (Finkler & Ward, 2006). Objective evidence. For financial reports to be valuable, they must contain information that is pertinent, trustworthy, and organized in a consistent manner. The cost information provided is evidence-based. This means internal and external users could all agree when the medical center reports they purchased telehealth technology for 1. 5 million and they can produce evidence in a form of bank statements or detailed receipt from vendor proving payment, this is reliable information that is verifiable and objective (Finkler & Ward, 2006). Materiality principle. Obligates the preparer of the financial report to correct significant errors that otherwise would cause an individual to make a different decision if provided with correct information. When time approaches to approve the budget for additional telehealth equipment, medical center executive may not approve, if they were aware that the program is not beneficial and several telehealth monitors were sitting in storage areas with the local facilities. Insignificant errors may be ignored (Finkler & Ward, 2006). Consistency. Medical facilities should use the same accounting methods each fiscal year. Consistency make available significant associations to be achieved among separate fiscal years and among the fiscal reports of separate establishments that employ the similar accounting practices. If the medical center changes their accounting method, the accountant must disclose the change in the financial report (Finkler & Ward, 2006). Full disclosure principle. Financial statements usually make available data about the medical center previous performance. However, imminent litigations, unsettled debt, or additional circumstances that have the potential to produce considerable negative influences on the medical centers economic status are also required to be disclosed in financial statements. (Finkler & Ward, 2006). In conclusion when medical centers are in compliance with GAAP this will help preserve creditability with creditors and investors because it restore confidence with external customers that the medical center financial reports precisely depict its financial standing.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Compare of Cococolla and Pepsi Companies Financial Statements

Comp In our country textile companies are doing very well business. So many competitors are in this sector. Lots of new companies entered this market. From all of them we choose two cement company for our report. We collect their financial statement & analyze them within three methods & we identify their comparative advantage. 1. 1 Origin :This is the report comes from our FIN-245 subject. The course instructor Ms. Tarana Majid orally authorized the task of preparing the report to a group of student. She gave this report to learn the way to analyze the financial statements.To follow the syllabus of our subject so we have to do some relevant study based on our report. That’s why this topic comes forward. 1. 2 Scope :We worked on Ashraf textile mills ltd. & Saiham textile mills ltd for our report. 1. 3 Limitat ion:We are very happy because we made our report within some limitations and overcome it almost. For prepare this report we faced some barrier. When we prepare d this report all necessary data is not available. For this we assume some of the data to complete the report. On the other hand when we go to collect the financial statement we were unable to found our needed statement books.Finally, one limitation was on shortage of knowledge that was reduced to make this report a better one. 1. 4 Sour ce of Data:For our report we collect data for finding & analysis. At first we collected the annual report & take financial statements of two companies’. We also collected some data from the internet. 1. 5 Methodol ogy : As a rule, we had to follow a particular method for collecting data to complete the report accurately. At first we make Income Statement, Balance Sheet & Cash Flow on a excel sheet. Than we analysis the Income Statement & the Balance Sheet using the common sizing & indexing method.Finally we used the eleven financial ratios for our ratio analysis. 2 2. 0 Brief History of company: Saiham Textile Ltd. Late Sy ed Sayeed Uddin Ahmed & Begum Hamida Banu, in remembrance of whom, Saiham Textile Mills Limited has derived the name of the company; would have been proud to know how well their offspring have managed and extended the organization. Saiham Textile Mills was set up in Noyapara, Hobiganj district in the year 1982 with an annual capacity of 7. 5 m yards of finished cloth. It was equipped with modern and sophisticated machineries from Japan.Initially it was a weaving, dyeing printing and finishing plant. Saiham Textile claims to be the pioneer in introducing the concept of modern fabrics in Bangladesh. They were one of the first textile mills to start international standard polyester fabric, TC fabric, synthetic and Georgette sarees with cross border. The mother company of the present conglomerate is now comprised of different industrial concerns. The entrepreneurship of Saiham, consists of five directors, all from the same family. Although a company run and managed by relatives, the standard and efficiency of the management does not compromise on its quality.Ashraf Textile mills Ltd. Ashraf textile mills ltd is one of the another company which is run and managed by relatives, the standard and efficiency of the management does not compromise on its quality. Addressed: Ashraf Textile Mills Ltd. New DOSH, Mohakhali Dhaka – 1212 Ph : 9887051-53 Fax : 9887033 3 3 . 0 Findings & Analysis: According to our report subject our main objective is identifying the difference between two companies financial statement. Also we want to find out which company is more stable & which is not stable.From the financial statement we can find out our requirements. In below we give our finding & analysis in basis of company’s financial statement. 3. 1 Analyze of Income Statement, Balance Sheet between two companies’s: In below we are going to discuss about the two companies balance sheet, Income Statement & Cash flow comparison in a briefly : 3. 1. 1 Balance Sheet Comparison: Assets: From the balance sheet of the both companies we can identify that Ashraf textile had504,741,251 tk total assets in 2005 but on the other hand Saiham textile had only425,320,371 tk total asset in 2003-2004.Next year Ashraf textile companies total asset was decreased and Saiham textile company’s total assets increase and in 2007 Ashraf textile reached in167,726,578 tk whereas in 2005-2006 Saiham textile’s total asset436,650,516 tk. For the total asset volume we can say that Saiham textile has more powerful rather than Ashraf textile. Liability: The total liability we saw that Ashraf textile had623,823,012 tk liabilities in 2005 & Saiham textile had152,581,718tk only in 2003-2004. Both companies’ liabilities were also increased in next year. But clearly we can comments that Ashraf textile had least liability than the Saiham textile.How ever Saiham textile had the more Net asset than the Ashraf textile. share holder’s equity we can easily understand that Saiham textile had the more equity and it was 818,663,635 tk for 2004-06 & Ashraf textile had -1,123,244,182. So we can say that Saiham textile had the more investment in the market. 4 3. 1. 2 Income Statement Comparison: From our income statement we can identify that Saiham textile has a profit 74,932,529tk in 2004 &52,001,246 tk in 2005 &57,295,427 tk in 2006. From this we can say that the profit is decreasing by next two years.And this shows that sale for Saiham textile decreasing during the next two year. On the other hand Ashraf textile is in a loss of-62,609,854 tk in 2005 & -122,738,787 tk in 2006 &-14,064,257 tk in 2007. They continue their business in loss where Saiham textile doing their business with profitability. 3. 1. 3 Analyzing Common Sizing & Indexing: In common size analysis we express the various components of a balance sheet as percentage of the total assets of the company. In addition this can be done for the income statement,but here items are releted to net sales.In Ashraf textile balance sheets over the three year span the percentage of current assets increased. On the other hand Saiham textile current assets fluctuated. We see that Ashraf textile account receivable showed a relative diccreased from 2005 to 2007. Saiham textile account receivable flactuated from 2003-04 to 2005-2006. On the liability & equity portion of the balance sheets, Ashraf textile total debt of the company decline on a relative basis from 2005 to 2007. but Saiham textile total debt diccreased in 2004-2005 & increased in 2005-2006.The common size income statement show the gross profit/loss margin from year to year. We see that Ashraf textile operating expenses increase year to year & in 2007 increases sharply. whereas Saiham textile operating expenses diccreased in 2004-2005 & increase again in 2005-2006. In 2005-2007 Ashraf textile’s net profit had negetive percentage, whereas Sai ham textile’s net profit increased. In indexes analysis all financial statement items are 100%. In 2006 & 2007 Ashraf textile current assets indexed is 91. 53 & 9. 95 whereas Saiham textile current assets s indexed is 116. 26 & 100. 3 in 2004-2005 & 2005-2006. The indexed income statements give much the same picture as the common size income statements – namely, fluctuating behavior. In Ashraf textile income statement total gross loss indexed are 100, 196. 037491 & 22. 46332822 in 2005 , 2006 & 2007. Whereas Saiham textile’s gross profit are 100, 69. 3974 & 76. 4626 in 2003-04, 2004-05 & 2005-2006. 5 4. 0 Financial Statement Analysis by ratio: For the performance measurement of Ashraf textile & Saiham textile mills Ltd. In below we are going to analysis about the two companies financial statement using ratio analysis.We used 11 methods to analyze the ratio. Here are belongs: 4. 1 Liquidity Ratio: i) Current Ratio: Current asse ts divided by current liabilities. It shows a firm’s ability to cover its current liabilities with its current assets. In below there is the graph of the two textile company’s current ratio: 0 0. 2 0. 4 ratio year current ratio(Ashraf textile) Series10. 32332 0. 13204 0. 16733 2005 2006 2007 01 2 ratio year current ratio(Saiham textile) Series11. 044 0. 764 0. 982 2003- 2004- 2005- From the graph we can see that Ashraf textile current ratio is 0. 32 times in 2005 and 0. 67 times in 2007. Here we see that current ratio has been decreased and go down in less than 1. On the other hand Saiham textile current ratio is 1. 044 in 2003-04 & next two year stay remain but it also be below the 1 and from the Ashraf textile. In the last year for both company we suggested that the current liabilities cannot be covered if existing current asset are liquated at their book values. 6 ii)Quick Ratio: Current assets less inventories divided by current liabilities. It shows a firms ab ility to meet current liabilities with its most liquid assets. 0 0. 05 0. 1 0. 15 0. 2 ratio ye arQuick ratio(Ashraf textile) Series10. 197173 0. 069725 0. 138913 2005 2006 2007 0 0. 1 0. 2 0. 3 0. 4 ratio year Quick ratio(Saiham textile) Series10. 2643053 0. 15642413 0. 38213114 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 From the graph we can easily identify that in 2006 Ashraf textile & Saiham textile quick ratio is decreased dramatically. We say that in the last year of the both company’s quick ratio increased. But Saiham textile has good position than the Ashraf textile. 4. 2 Financial Leverage debt ratio: i)Debt-To-Equity: Ratios that show the extent to which the firm is financed by debt. – 100 Ratio yearDebt to Equity(Ashraf textile) Series1-5. 239 -2. 17 -1. 253 2005 2006 2007 0 0. 51 Ratio year Debt to Equity(Saiham textile) Series10. 559443 0. 887395 0. 59995 2003- 2004- 2005- If we consider the year 2007 of Ashraf textile, the ratio is -1. 253 that creditors are provi ding for each tk 1. In the case of Saiham textile in 2005- 2006 the ratio is 0. 599 that creditors are providing. So we can say that Ashraf textile is in a better position than the Saiham textile. 7 ii) Debt-To-Total Asset Ratio: The debt to total asset ratio is derived by dividing a firm’s total debt by its total assets. 0246 ratio ear Sebt to Assets (Ashraf textile) Series11. 235926 1. 854987 4. 95805 2005 2006 2007 0 0. 2 0. 4 0. 6 ratio year Debt to Assets(Saiham textile) Series10. 358745 0. 470169 0. 374981 2003- 2004- 2005- From the graph we can realize that Ashraf textile ratio is more than Saiham textile in their last three year. We know that the higher the debt to assets ratio, the greater the financial risk; the lower the ratio, the lower the risk. So Ashraf textile has more risk than the Saiham textile. 4. 3 Coverage Ratio: i) Interest Coverage Ratio: Ratio earning before interest and taxes divided by interest charges.It indicates a firm’s ability to cover i nterest charges. It is also called times interest earned. 0 0. 51 1. 5 2 2. 5 3 ratio year Interest coverage(Ashraf textile) Series1 Series11. 7272998 2. 7067618 0. 3935626 2005 2006 2007 012345 ratio year Interest coverage(Saiham textile) Series14. 3453871 3. 1634257 2. 5946142 2003- 2004- 2005- This ratio serves as one measure of the firm’s ability to meet its interest payments and thus avoid bankruptcy. The higher the ratio the greater company could cover its interest payment without difficulty.So analyze after the two graphs we can said that Saiham textile has more interest coverage than the Ashraf textile Cement. Ashraf textile ratio is fluctuated highly in 2007. 8 4. 4 Activity Ratio: i) Receivable Turnover: the receivable turnover ratio provides insight into the equality of the firm’s receivables and how to successful the firm is in is collections. This ratio is calculated by dividing receivables into annual net credit sales. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Days year Receivable turnover(Ashraf textile) Series1 101 6 125 2005 2006 2007 0 10 20 30 40 50 Day Ye ar Receivable turnover (Saiham textile)Series1 14 6 42 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 From the graph we can say that Ashraf textile received their receivable money from the buyers within 101 days in 2005, 6 days in 2006 & 125 days in 2007. On the other, Saiham textile received within 14 day in 2003-2004, 6 day in 2004-2005 and 42 days in 2005-2006. Eventually we can say that Saiham textile was received money within short time rather than the Ashraf textile. ii) PAYABLE TURNOVER: There may be occasions when a firm wants to study in own promptness of payment to suppliers or that of a potential credit customer.This ratio is calculated by dividing purchase into total A/C payable. 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 400000 Days year Payable turnover(Ashraf textile) Series1 138 276 360420 2005 2006 2007 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 Days year Payable turnover(Saiham textile) Series1 35 10 15 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 From the graph we can say that Ashraf textile paid their payable money to the sales within 138 days in 2005, 276 days in 2006 & 360420 days in 2007. On the other, Saiham textile paid within 35 day in 2003-2004, 10 day in 2004-2005 and 15 days in 2005-2006.Eventually we can say that Saiham textile was paid money within short time rather than the Ashraf textile. 9 iii) INVENTORY ACTIVITY: To help determine how effectively the firm is managing inventory and also to gain an indication of the liquidity of inventory. This ratio is calculated by dividing inventory into COGS. 0 100 200 300 400 Days year Inventory Activity(Ashraf textile) Series1 60 53 369 2005 2006 2007 0 50 100 150 200 250 Days year Inventory Activity(Saiham textile) S eries1 170 225 176 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005- 2006 The figures tell us how many days, on average, before inventory is turned into accounts receivable through sales.Here we see that Ashraf textile was faster than Saiham tex tile in case of inventory activity. iv) TOTAL ASSET TURNOVER: The relationship of net sales to total assets is known as the total asset turnover, or capital turnover. 0 0. 1 0. 2 0. 3 0. 4 0. 5 0. 6 0. 7 ratio year Total asset turnover(Ashraf textile) Series10. 6780095 0. 4476056 0. 05087134 2005 2006 2007 0 0. 1 0. 2 0. 3 0. 4 0. 5 0. 6 0. 7 0. 8 ratio year Total Asset turnover(Saiham textile) Series10. 77632571 0. 56348701 0. 5969018 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 The median total asset turnover for the industry is 1. 66.For this ratio analysis we saw that Ashraf textile & Saiham textile both are less efficient than the industry in this regard. On the other hand Saiham textile is in a better position than the Ashraf textile. 10 4. 5 Profitability Ratio: i) PROFITABILITY RATIO IN RELATION TO SALES: The ratio we consider is the gross profit margin or simply gross profit divided by net sales. 0 0. 51 1. 5 2 2. 5 3 3. 5 4 ratio year Profitability in ratio to sales(Ashraf textile) S eries12. 1829524 2. 6889593973. 648320722 2005 2006 2007 1. 74 1. 75 1. 76 1. 77 1. 78 1. 79 1. 8 1. 81 1. 82 1. 83 ratio year Profitability in relation to ales(Saiham textile) S eries11. 773060426 1. 820902862 1. 780171958 2003- 2004 2004- 2005 2005- 2006 It is a measure of the efficiency of the firm’s operations, as well as an indication of how products are priced. From the above graphs we saw that Ashraf textile has relatively more effective at producing and selling products above cost.ii)PROFITABILITY RATIO IN RELATION TO INVESTMENT: this profitability ratio relates profits to investment. One of those measures is the rate of return on investment, or return on asset. -2 -1. 5 -1 – 0. 50 ratio year Profitability in relation to investment(Ashraf textile) S eries1-0. 35798631 -0. 507839396 -1. 707107588 2005 2006 2007 0 0. 005 0. 01 0. 015 0. 02 0. 025 ratio year Profitability in relation to investment(Saiham textile) Series10. 023235772 0. 018004789 0. 023118956 2003- 2004 2004- 2005 2005- 2006 The standard ratio compares for this is nearly 8%. From our analysis we found that Saiham textile ratio simply fluctuates. Their percentage is not so good. On the other handAshraf textile had negative percentage from 2005- 2007. 11 5. 0Conclusion: We examine the analysis of Ashraf textile & Saiham textile mills ltd. We see that the liquidity position is nit good both of the company.Comparatively Saiham textile better than Ashraf textile mills ltd. Ashraf textile mills ltd. should change the credit policy & proper use of its assets. The profitability ratio of Ashraf textile mills ltd. Good than the Saiham textile mills ltd. The company should avoid the use of debt; otherwise company would be fall into bankruptcy. 12 6.Bibliography: i) Annual report- -Ashraf textile mills ltd. For the year of 2005, 2006 & 2007. -Saiham textile mills ltd. For the year of 2003- 2004, 2004-2005 & 2005-2006. ii) Fundamental of financial management (Twelfth editi on) -James C. Van Horne & John M

Business Proposal On Tailor Made Adventure Holidays Tourism Essay

Business Proposal On Tailor Made Adventure Holidays Tourism Essay This report puts forth a unique business proposal, based on tailor-made adventure holidays. This business plan encompasses unique holiday packages for adventure lovers residing in the United Kingdom, attractive deal of prices and promises of delivering a true value for money experience to our customers, a clear understanding of the market, the anchoring segmentation, marketing and pricing strategies that confirm a competitive edge over existing players in the market, along with the financial projections made in light of realistic terms and conditions. â€Å"To deliver our customers an entire experience to value, rather than a mere service for a value.† Our aim is to make it a very simple and pleasant experience for our customers at every step, i.e. right from the time they consult us to bookings made, to the time their trip comes to an end and even after that we intend to live up to the needs of a good and lasting customer relationship. â€Å"To encourage eco-tourism.† Our second aim is to actively encourage eco-tourism. Any kind of harm caused to the ecology, if witnessed, would certainly not be entertained. Our effort towards this aim would be, say, taking care of the camels during camel safari that is amongst one of our packages for trip to Rajasthan in India. Also, not causing any kind of disruptions to the space and milieu of various animals, during trips to forests, would be highly acknowledged. Especially, during trips to forests in Africa which form a paradise for several endangered species. Our objectives are: â€Å"To be the first choice of our prospective customers.† We wish to be the first choice of the adventure lovers in the UK, seeking to book adventure trips for themselves. â€Å"To rule the niche market of exclusive tailor-made adventure holidays.† Considering the fact that we belong to an extremely niche market, it is one of our prime objectives to dominate the market, where customers come to us by choice, and not just by chance. â€Å"To cover as many as, all the adventurous destinations round the globe by 2020.† We intend to take our customers to numerous destinations to adventure the real variety of adventure! Right from the soft adventures like balloon safaris through the royal palaces of the incredible Rajasthan in India to extreme adventures of confronting the ultimate wildlife in the bushes of Amazon. In years to come, not only cover, but we also intend to discover such adventurous destinations round the globe that are still waiting to be seen and experienced. Product PRODUCT The product we would be offering is the various packages to the destinations mentioned below. Destinations Europe Asia Africa Polland India Spain Thailand Amazon Turkey Tanzania Uganda Initially, we have chosen these eight destinations because, they exhibit variety in adventure. Our packages to these destinations would be promoted by the following names: Phenomenal India Wild Tanzania Thai venture Enticing Poland Frantic Amazon Sensational Spain Kingkong Uganda Thrill In Turkey CHARACTERISTICS OF OUR PRODUCT Exclusively for UK residents wanting to book an adventure tour. Our main focus as far as customers are concerned, are the people residing only in the United Kingdom and the ones who want to go for an adventure trip in particular.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Film & Gender Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Film & Gender - Movie Review Example It inspires the students to critically reflect on the social, cultural as well as political matters. This paper tries to address the issue of gender which is a big concern in the present times throughout the globe. Presented below is a review of the well known short documentary movie The Codes of Gender:Â  Identity and Performance in Popular Culture. The documentary has been written, directed and produced by Sut Jhally, founder of the Media Education Foundation (MEF). The central idea conveyed through this film is that the gender identity we maintain throughout our lives is imparted to us by the society we live in. The film is a riff to the book Gender Advertisement written by Erving Goffman. It presents a critical analysis of the gender issue in media. Media is one of the most prominent forms of America’s popular culture. Jhally has argued that advertisement over the media does not only promote sales of products. Advertisement is a medium that helps in spreading ideas rapidl y and widely. The commercial culture of America is making use of gender representations that are quite reactionary in nature. The movie looks beyond the conventional concept of gender that focuses on the physical and biological features that a human is born with. According to the communication scholar, Sut Jhally, a sense of identity is developed on the basis of the physical trait that the particular person possesses. The gender identity and hence the roles and codes of conduct is assigned to the person by the external society. Gender identity is therefore not a natural phenomenon. The gender ideals represent a remarkable pattern of masculinity and femininity, their display and postures. The society has established itself on a two-tiered terrain that recognizes two separate identities of the human existence. The identity of each defines their mutual relationship and access to power. The Codes of Gender provides an important insight into the social framework catering to masculinity a nd femininity. The cultural norms act as superior guidance to any human being as he or she grows and adapts in the society’s dictum. The codes and conventions govern our senses about what we think to be normal for a particular gender and what should be the judicious behavior by a male and a female. These conventions are normalized in the sense that we have been taught to stand up on this system as our base. Hence these rules do not seem to be visible to us. They lie deep inside our senses and affect every decision we make. Advertisement is making a massive use of these codes of gender. The movie makes an analysis of the ways and extent to which gender is being portrayed for advertisement purposes. The relationships and differences between the codes attributed to each of the two genders are exclusively made use of in advertisements. One can figure it out if she tries to think of any advertisement and interchange the male or female figure with the other counterpart. The portray al of the figures is made consciously vivid and elaborate as a part of marketing strategy. The suggestive sexual poses, catalogue of different body postures and other physical cues are all aimed at employing the body as text in advertisement for the audience to read. The bold images of femininity and female empowerment shown in the advertisements are merely a wrapper on the same old rituals of female subordination. While

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Competitive and Strategic Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Competitive and Strategic Analysis - Assignment Example Corporate strategy: Corporate strategy on the other hand is the overall and general scope as well as the direction that a corporation takes in relation to its activities in the various departments. It is not specific, but gives a glimpse and idea on how all the operations of the various departments contribute to the general good performance of the corporation. Business strategy: Business strategy refers to the choices and decisions made in a company or corporation to realize a long-term value while at the same time achieving the desired objectives of the company or the corporation in question. It is the means of maximizing the outcome in a companys production system or in realizing the maximum profit from a company. At Best Buy, the functional strategy is vital in the marketing department because it is in this operational department that the customers will be able to familiarize themselves with the company and get to purchase the products. Any strategy put in place in this department is important because it affects the entire business outcome of the company. Marketing thus is the functional division of this company that is useful as the company does not produce its own electronics fully and yet it is a retailer competing with thousands of other retailers. Packaging the marketing team with the right and consistent information will thus affect the entire outcome of the company and affects all other departments. The function essential to the goal of 2014, which is expanding the number of stores, is proper marketing in the new zones of operation. The marketing strategy should be so that it captures the tiny little details and appeals to customers all across the boards as it redefines Best Buy as th e best brand in the market. The marketing team should advertise the company as the best brand available in the market and at the same time gives customers the incentives necessary to have the goods and electrical items from the

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Precis Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Precis - Article Example From the reports, the powerful hurricane caused extensive destruction to communities3. This revealed the inadequacies in federal, state and local preparedness for response to such events. The implication of this surprised many people because of the difficulty that the world’s richest and most powerful nation experienced in effectively managing a disaster that its occurrence had been predicted4. It is also true that predominant international communities were generous and were involved in donations and offers of aid in order to support such devastation. The failure to manage an event predicted accordingly is satire of the US government diplomacy disaster management5. This has generated various forms of conflict worldwide. Therefore the Katrina case study provides an opportunity for examining how disaster –related activities can or cannot yield diplomatic gains6. This induces an international cooperation among countries that have traditionally been

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Why are they there; Incarceration Rates Research Paper

Why are they there; Incarceration Rates - Research Paper Example States such as Iowa, Arkansas, West Virginia, and Illinois have had an increasing number of incarcerations. The South holds historical record high rates of incarceration, and Louisiana tops in sentencing criminals in jail. The less educated Blacks and Hispanics have a higher incarceration rates than their white counterparts. The incarceration rates for the men of African American descent have been increasing. In 2010, the rate of the blacks aged between twenty-five and twenty-nine years without a high school diploma was about thirty-five percent (Gao, 2014). In contrast, the rate of the whites with the same level of education and age bracket was less than seven percent of all the inmates. Notably, the likelihood of the black men to face incarceration was approximately six times that of the white counterparts in 2010. The recent statistics indicate that the incarceration rates for the White Non-Hispanic and Black non-Hispanic was 454, 100 and 526, 000 ( The same statistics indicate that the incarcerated Hispanic men were 314, 600 of the total 1, 412, 745 male incarcerations. Carson (2014) asserts that the number of the persons in the correctional institutions in 2013 increased by 4,300 from that of 2012. The non-Hispanic blacks constituted approximately 37 percent of the total inmates i n 2013 (Carson, 2014). The national data shows that the rate of incarceration was higher for the Black Americans than the whites. Rosich (2007) contends there are high chances to incarcerate the young blacks. Louisiana has the highest number of the incarcerations according to the statistics of 2013. In 2012, approximately 1,673 were in the correctional institutions in Louisiana (Carson, 2014). Similarly, Louisiana recorded 1,633 of inmates. Likewise, Mississippi had 1,370 and 1,328 incarcerations in 2012 and 2013 respectively (Carson, 2014). The rate of incarcerations for Oklahoma and Texas were 1,191and

Monday, September 9, 2019

KIPP National Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

KIPP National - Case Study Example The founders have the drive and passion to give children of lower income families the skills to make it through college. This passion and skill has shown success. From the very beginning the founders worked for months trying to establish the right to operate as a school. This took months of waiting from the district to approve the original proposal made by the founders. Once approval was accepted the founders were able to begin recruiting students and convincing parents that their new school would greatly help their child academically. Over the next months the founders were able to recruit enough students to get the KIPP School started. The founders had many promises to live up to and this helped guide the success as they did not want to let parents and their children down. Having enrollment grow each school year proved that what the founders created a school that was turning out to be successful. Students were excelling at a terrific rate and the option for expansion was taken witho ut hesitation. Scores were improving and the students showed the willingness to want to succeed. The growth to New York showed that KIPP Schools were not holding back and were focused on helping kids who otherwise would not have a chance in a normal school environment. There are many elements in the KIPP operational model that set KIPP apart from other schools. ... Structure and not allowing any slack in commitment makes for KIPP’s successful operational model and sets them apart from the rest. 2) Should the KIPP schools be replicated? Can they be? What are the major challenges KIPP will face as it expands? The KIPP schools are mainly successful because of the hard work and determination put forth by the two original founders. The two original founders make sure that teachers, parents and students are focusing and functioning how they originally promised. Replicating this type of structure and discipline would be hard to replicate. The schools would be hard to replicate because the two founders would need to make sure they have teachers that are willing to give their all like the founders have. Many examples throughout the case refer to why it was important for the founders to lead the schools in the direction they are going in. Expansion can be done but it is likely that expansion will take away from the success that the two original sc hools already have. Expanding is one thing and can be achieved by funding and hard work. Expanding and being successful is another issue. One can expand but what is the point if the expansion is not going to be successful. By reviewing the case it is obvious that success was determined on the founder’s hard work. Two people alone cannot be at several locations at once to make sure teachers are acting how they need to be and students are living up to their agreements. If the founders are out taking on several new ventures the two original schools will lose leadership by the founders and can slowly become unsuccessful unless proper leadership is put in place. It is obvious that

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Internatoinal business mangement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Internatoinal business mangement - Essay Example It helps to stimulate the economic growth. On the other hand, under the stated directed economies income and resources are funneled to the governmental central agency. It is the responsibility of the governmental central agency to allocate appropriate financial resources back into the action that the central agency deems important. State directed economies are high risk associated. If the organizations find it difficult to allocate appropriate financial resources then it can stifle the economic growth. Democratic political system can be considered as an important condition for the sustainable economic growth. There are several advantages of the democratic political system as it helps an economy to betterment the income distribution. In addition to this, democratic political system helps to adopt and develop free market economy system. Free market economy system can increase the buying and selling activities in an organization. In addition to this, it reduces the level of corruption in a country. Adoption and development of free market economy can help a country in several ways. First of all, it motivates several foreign players to invest in the country. It helps a country to increase the buying and selling activities. In addition to this, it helps to increase the employment generation aspect as the number of businesses or organizations increases due to these political systems. The market growth rate increases of an economy under this democratic political system as it helps to incr ease the market demand for a particular products and services. Intense market competition as well as demand for differentiated products and services can help a country to overcome several economic challenges, such as inflation, recession and depressions as the democratic political system motivates the business enterprises to produce goods and services according to the existing market demand. Therefore, limited threat of oversupply can help a country to gain effective

Saturday, September 7, 2019

What does Benedict Anderson's concept imagined community mean when Essay

What does Benedict Anderson's concept imagined community mean when comparing the idea of nationalism - Essay Example The process of Anderson’s imagined community is fundamental in understanding the elements of entry and connection in nationalism. It transcends the idea that nationhood is fabricated or merely imaginary discourses. This is the reason why the concept of imagined community is very popular among social theorists. The thesis is not that explicitly constructivist but the idea captures the intensity of the concepts such as nationalism and nationhood. As an imagined community, a nation is provided a narrative meaning for individuals that constitute it by allowing the imagination of a territory of the nation without having personally to encounter it and its inhabitants. The approach does not see nationalism as a discourse of power or one of ideology but one of cultural meaning and cognition. In imagined community†, gaps could still be found – there are limitations in regard to the explanation of the elements that characterize the concept. Indeed, Anderson, himself, have l eft open several areas and questions because the subject is dynamic. However, these do not entirely undermine the potency of Anderson’s vision. All in all, Anderson’s most significant contribution here is that he was able to address all the anomalies that most theorists have created or was not able to tackle in defining nationalism.